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목록Find (2)
그리드 내 검색이라기 보다는 db그리드와 연결된 query 컴포넌트에서 내가 원하는 값에다가 커서를 둔다는 개념으로 이해를 하였음! 'Query Component Name'.Locate('Column Item Name', 'Query Component Name'.FieldByName('Field Name').AsString, [loCaseInsensitive]); - 검색 방법 [loCaseInsensitive] - Key fields and key values are matched without regard to case. [loPartialKey] - Key values can include only part of the matching key field value; for example, 'HAM'..
procedure Tform1.button1Click(Sender: TObject); var str1: string; tPos : TPoint; tp : integer; begin str1 := ''; tPos.X := 0; tPos.Y := 1; tp := 'AdvColumnGrid Name'.Find(tPos, str1 , [fnMatchStart]).Y; if tp > 0 then 'AdvColumnGrid Name'.Row := tp; end; - 검색 방법은 여러가지가 있는듯? { fnMatchCase, fnMatchFull, fnMatchRegular,fnDirectionLeftRight, fnMatchStart, fnFindInCurrentRow, fnFindInCurrentCol,fnInc..